The highest and "wealthiest" class. Their barcodes allow them access to anything in the world. Can include royalty, government officials, or just rich individuals. Elites are either born or married into their class. They cannot support or buy things for Commons and Lowers. If caught, they will be punished.
The middle class. Their barcodes allow them to buy a wider range of food and supplies than Lowers, but they do not have the freedom of Elites. It is the biggest class and makes up most of the population. Commons are mostly born or married into their class, but Lowers can also petition to become Commons.
The lowest and "poorest" class. Their barcodes only allow them to buy a set amount of food each week, depending on the amount of resources available at the time. They cannot buy supplies; the government provides them with a limited set of necessary supplies at the beginning of each month. Most Lowers are born into their class, but some can be ex-Elites or ex-Commons who broke the law and were sent to the Lowers class.
